July 25, 2007


Use capoeira as a drill; respect the rituals, respect each other and try to understand the other, even if you don't understand why you should try. Be patient, be forgiven, avoid being judgmental about each other’s capacity, and accept each other for who they are. Try to escape and do challenge your opponent by taken the initiative of combat, but if he or she is not able to escape, try to have enough control to stop your kick or your move. Sometimes we do loose our sight, our patience and our view of this state. If that happens, than forgive yourself and be patient with yourself, for not being able to see it or to have a total control at this time, but make an effort to see it next time and change this misperception.

When your capoeira game flows right with the rhythm, the singing and the other participants in the circle, you may feel as though you all are as one. This feeling is the key answer to your search. At that moment, fear is impossible because you will realize that nothing can destroy what is only one, because one will not destroy itself, therefore you will not be destroyed. This is a true statement and it may take a while for people to understand. Many will contest it, but ultimately that is what the learning will be and that is the only thing that will bring you peace.

All capoeiristas all over the world must shop around before joining any capoeira group. I mean shop for the best capoeira group for you. Check all capoeira classes available, sit and watch a class, see if it fits you, see if you get a peaceful feeling from the instructor and a calm fun and joyful general feeling from the group. If you have already been involved with a particularly group before knowing this, you may still do the same. You have the right to change groups and find the environment that is right for you. Capoeira is an art that usually involves life commitment. If you really like it you might be in for life! The only way that that could happen in a healthy way is if you make a healthy choice for yourself. If you are already happy where you are, congratulations! You have found the right place. Remember one thing though: Happiness is not necessary to achieve what you want, but is to want what you have achieved! Is there total peace in that achievement? If the answer is yes than you are successful, if the answer is no, there is still time for a change to correct your choice.

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