July 8, 2007

Fear & Conflict

There are all kinds of fear in life, from the horrifying fear of death, to the impractical feeling of jealousy. Every fear is fear just the same and its origins begin with the thought that there is something wrong with you. The greatest challenge of all is to look within and to have the willingness to accept that the only barrier you really have is the fear that resides inside and the only way to overcome it, is to know that nothing is wrong with you.

For practical reasons we are taught to obey and accurately perform society's rituals and etiquette in order to avoid, cover-up, and save us from the struggle of having to deal with fear. The rituals and drills may help us and give us some time to reflect until we better understand.

When that understanding happens we will drop the need of any affirmation, because the truth will be so clear that nothing will be able to darken it from your vision. You will know for sure that your vision is correct, not by a mental decision, but by a feeling of peace you will have in any circumstance in life. This feeling of peace will not come from your rational mind, but from some intuitive certainty that you are connected with every thing and everyone. Change is constant and it is revealed in life through our ups and downs and the differences we may have with each other. With that understanding you will know that no one can hurt you, because every appearance of an attack is, in fact, just a call for love.


Conflict has a purpose in life.

Its cycle has an urge,

its patterns have a message,

its solution begins behind the willingness

to accept the fear without challenging it back.

Time for a change may be a wise change for the time

For destiny may take care of itself,

awareness can avoid chaos and replace it with clarity.

Denial reveals no growth.

Acceptance imposes no shame.

To let go is to be free and to gather no blame

Conflict may not be peaceful but it is not peace less

In its essence is an endless search for balance

and its end can be found in the epicenter.

Marcelo Pereira
January 13th, 1996

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